Geo-Tagging to Boost Your Marketing Efforts

Easify’s Geo-tagging feature helps you promote your business, website, and position yourself in the market by targeting users based on their locations.

Geo-Tagging to Boost Your Marketing Efforts

What is Geo-Tagging?

The process of attaching geographical metadata to various content is called Geo-Tagging. For example, the use of latitude and longitude coordinates of the location where the content was created or shared. Reports suggest that 90% of marketers believe that location-based marketing has a positive impact on sales. Hence, the importance of geo-tagging in marketing cannot be ignored.


Benefits of Geo-Tagging in Marketing

Geo-tagging helps in targeting audience based on their locations to land clients. It also provides useful insights on customer activities. Following are a few benefits of geo-tagging-

Local Targeting- Geo-tagging is used by marketers to target specific audiences in a particular location. This allows marketers to focus on relevant areas and save the money and time wasted on reaching consumers outside the area of focus.
Location-Based Offers- Geo-tagging is an efficient method to boost foot traffic and drive sales. It helps marketers to offer discounts, or promotions when consumers are physically near the establishment.
User Engagement- Geo-tagging lets users share their experiences at specific locations leading to more user engagement.

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