Marketing Automation Platform for
E-Commerce Industry

Let your customers discover your business and remember your brand. Convert your prospective customers into paying customers, gain insights, and boost performance with Easify.

Marketing Automation Platform for E-Commerce Industry

Marketing Automation Tool: How is it Essential for E-Commerce Industry?

Marketing automation can change the whole marketing game enabling e-commerce businesses to streamline their marketing efforts and drive greater results. By automating marketing processes, ecommerce businesses can provide personalized messages to customers, which drives customer engagement and conversions.

Better Customer Experience
Nurtures Lead
Boost Sales and Revenue
Streamline Workflow
Marketing Automation Platform for E-Commerce Industry

How do automation tools
work in the E-Commerce Industry?

In the E-Commerce industry, software tools and platforms are used to automate repetitive marketing tasks and processes, leading to enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Marketing Automation Platform for E-Commerce Industry

Effective Marketing Tools for E-Commerce Industry

Marketing Automation
WhatsApp and Facebook
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
SMS messages have an average click-through rate of 21-35%.
Conversion Rate
The average conversion rate in the e-commerce industry is 11-20%.
Unsubscription Rate
The average unsubscription rate is only 1-2% for SMS.
High Open Rate
The average open rate for SMS is 95%.

Got Questions? We Are Here to Answer!

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Cheapest Bulk SMS Provider: A Comprehensive Guide

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How to Use Gmail as Your Email Sender: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Bulk SMS Marketing Made Easy
Ditch the hassle and the headaches of SMS compliance with Easify