GET / email/status

Base URL:

This endpoint is used to retrieve email status.

The user can retrieve the status of the email sent by the user, based on the email_id (which will get the send email response) value.

There is a rate limit of 60 requests per minute. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests status, along with a message indicating when you can try again.


The Easify API token used for authentication is passed in the header as a Bearer token, which can be obtained from the easify app under Settings > API Settings.


Authorization string required Bearer << YOUR_EASIFY_API_TOKEN_HERE >>

Query Parameters

email_id string email_id is provided in the email/send API response Required
receiver string Receiver email address to fetch the status of a particular receiver Optional

Sample Params and Success Response:


  "email_id": "675"

Success Response:

  "status": true,
  "message": "Email status successfully fetched",
  "data": [
      "email_item_id": "67908d04a22b44b431e5",
      "email_id": 675,
      "receiver": "",
      "recipient_type": "to",
      "status": "Success",
      "remarks": "success"
      "email_item_id": "67908d04a22b44b431e6",
      "email_id": 675,
      "receiver": "",
      "recipient_type": "cc",
      "status": "Success",
      "remarks": "success"
      "email_item_id": "67908d04a22b44b431e7",
      "email_id": 675,
      "receiver": "",
      "recipient_type": "bcc",
      "status": "Success",
      "remarks": "success"

Response Explanation

  • email_item_id: Single receiver email item id
  • email_id: The email ID will be returned in the email/send API response
  • recipient_type: TThe recipient type will indicate whether the recipient is in the 'To', 'CC', or 'BCC' address

Api Response Status

Case Status Code Response
If the user does not provide a token in the header or provides an invalid token 401 { "status":false, "message":"Unauthenticated", "errors":[] }
If the user's subscription has ended 402 { "status":false,"message":"You need to recharge your account to proceed","errors":[] }
If user provided invalid email_id 400 { "status": false, "message": "Invalid email id", "errors": [] }
If the user does not have an enterprise plan 403 { "status": false, "message": "Access denied. Your current plan does not allow access to this feature. Please upgrade to the Enterprise plan.", "errors": [] }
If the user passes an invalid receiver address that is not associated with a particular email_id 400 { "status":false, "message":"No emails found", "errors":[] }
If the user exceeds the allowed rate limit for requests 429 { "status":false, "message":"Too many requests. Try again in 59 seconds", "errors":[] }

Email Status

Status Description
Processed The email is prepared and ready to be delivered
Failed The Email delivery attempt failed. This could be due to a technical issue on the service provider's end
Success The Email has been successfully sent to the recipient
Delivered The Email has been accepted at the receiving server
Open The email has been opened by the receiver
Bounce The email cannot or will not be delivered by the server. Bounces are often caused by outdated or incorrectly entered email addresses
Deferred The email cannot be immediately delivered, but it hasn’t been completely rejected
Dropped There are several reasons the email will not be sent to a recipient for delivery.

The Dropped, Processed, Deferred, Bounce, Delivered, and Open statuses are only applicable for the emails sent through Easify Email Gateway.


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
    'Authorization: Bearer 1955|43da5bb5-5c2b-4059-a4de-d44bf5*****'

$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;

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