GET / sms/chat-history

Base URL:

This endpoint is used to retrieve SMS/Chat History.

The user can fetch the SMS status using the sms_id, which is provided in the Send SMS API response.

There is a rate limit of 60 requests per minute. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests status, along with a message indicating when you can try again.


The Easify API token used for authentication is passed in the header as a Bearer token, which can be obtained from the easify app under Settings > API Settings.


Authorization string required Bearer << YOUR_EASIFY_API_TOKEN_HERE >>

Query Parameters

sender string Sender Number(The user's sender number associated with theAPI token and the sender number without the country code) Required
receiver string Receiver Number(To fetch the SMS, use the receiver's number without the country code. For the country code,use the 'country_code' field and enter the appropriate country code.) Required
country_code string Receiver's Country Code (e.g., +1, +972) Required
limit integer Pagination Limit(If the limit is not provided, the default will be 10) Optional

Sample Params and Success Response:


  "sender": "315293****",
  "receiver": "315135****",
  "country_code": "+1",
  "limit": 1

Success Response:

  "status": true,
  "message": "Chat History",
  "data": [
      "id": 516,
      "sender": "+1315293****",
      "receiver": "+1315135*****",
      "message": "hai",
      "sms_type": "sms",
      "send_by": "sender",
      "media_url": "",
      "status": "Delivered",
      "created_at": "02-05-2024 04:59:21 AM",
      "reason": null

Api Response Status

Case Status Code Response
If the user does not provide a token in the header or provides an invalid token 401 { "status":false, "message":"Unauthenticated", "errors":[] }
If user not provided sender field 422 { "message":"The sender field is required.", "errors": { "sender": ["The sender field is required."] } }
If user not provided receiver field 422 { "message":"The receiver field is required.", "errors": { "receiver": ["The receiver field is required."] } }
If the user provided invalid country code 422 {"message":"Currently, this service is only available in the following countries: Canada, United States, Israel, United Kingdom. Please verify the country code.","errors":{"country_code":["Currently, this service is only available in the following countries: Canada, United States, Israel, United Kingdom. Please verify the country code."]}}
If user not provided country_code field 422 { "message":"The Country code field is required.", "errors": { "country_code": ["The Country code field is required."] } }
If the user exceeds the allowed rate limit for requests 429 { "status":false, "message":"Too many requests. Try again in 59 seconds", "errors":[] }
If the user's subscription has ended 402 { "status":false,"message":"You need to recharge your account to proceed","errors":[] }
If the user does not have an enterprise plan 403 { "status": false, "message": "Access denied. Your current plan does not allow access to this feature. Please upgrade to the Enterprise plan.", "errors": [] }

For records where the sms_type is voice, the media_url provides a link to the call recording associated with the voice interaction. Conversely, when the sms_type is mms, the media_url contains the multimedia content sent as part of the MMS. The URL serves as a direct link to access the media resource

Outgoing SMS: Messages marked with "send_by": "sender" indicate outgoing messages.These are messages initiated by the sender and directed to the receiver.

Incoming SMS: Conversely, messages with "send_by": "receiver" denote incoming messages. These messages are initiated by the receiver and directed to the sender. By analyzing the send_by field, developers can programmatically determine the direction of the message flow.


    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($curl, [
        CURLOPT_URL => '**&receiver=555074***',
        CURLOPT_ENCODING => '',
        CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10,
        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0,
            'Accept: application/json',
            'Authorization: Bearer 1955|43da5bb5-5c2b-4059-a4de-d44bf5*****'
    $response = curl_exec($curl);
    echo $response;

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